In this video Michelle talks about...the month of Dec 2024, we close out the year beginning with a New Moon in Sagittarius, Closing with a New Moon in Capricorn. In the month we have one of the most important transits of 2024 Venus, Ceres Pluto conjunction on Dec 7th. Mercury is retrograde opposite Jupiter retrograde till the end of the month when they make a second opposition with Mercury direct, all while Saturn forms a t-square, there's a tension of conflict and resolution and crisis that is formed around out of an evolutionary need to change.
Dec 1 | 1:21 AM | New Moon in Sagittarius | 9 Sag 33' |
Dec 6 | 6:33 PM | Mars Retrograde | Mar 6 Leo 11'Rx |
Dec 7 | 1:13 AM | Venus enters Aquarius | Ven 0 Aqu 00' |
Dec 7 | 4:13 AM | Ceres enters Aquarius | Cer 0 Aqu 00' |
Dec 7 | 6:43 PM | Neptune Direct | Nep 27 Pis 08' |
Dec 8 | 10:26 AM | First Quarter Moon | 17 Pis 02' |
Dec 13 | 1:04 AM | Jupiter sesquadrate Pluto | Jup 15 Gem 32'Rx sesquadrate Plu 0 Aqu 32' |
Dec 15 | 4:01 AM | Full Moon in Gemini | 23 Gem 53' |
Dec 15 | 3:56 PM | Mercury Direct | Mer 6 Sag 24'D |
Dec 21 | 4:20 AM | Sun enters Capricorn | Sun 0 Cap 00' |
Dec 22 | 5:18 PM | Last Quarter Moon | 1 Lib 34' |
Dec 24 | 4:59 PM | Jupiter square Saturn | Jup 14 Gem 01'Rx square Sat 14 Pis 01' |
Dec 29 | 4:13 PM | Chiron Direct | Chi 19 Ari 00' |
Dec 30 | 5:27 PM | New Moon in Capricorn | 9 Cap 44' |
Dec 31 | 12:34 AM | Pluto sextile True Node | Plu 1 Aqu 03' sextile Nod 1 Ari 03' |

Foundations of Astrology Level One is the foundation built to understand the basic framework of your natal chart. In this course you will learn the Polarities of the Entire wheel of the Zodiac that makes up your Natal Chart. This course aims to guide you in understanding your natal chart for self-discovery and healing.
The course will cover:
Pluto & Evolutionary Astrology Basics
The Lunar Nodes
The Houses, Signs, and Planets in Your Natal Chart
Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus
Soul Work
Understanding Transits
All of the Content is Prerecorded, you can access and watch it immediately, and we will have Monthly Live Practice Classes to integrate this knowledge by looking directly at your natal chart. Our first Live Practice Class is Jan 10th at 9am PST. Join Now to have time to study the classes, and receive a bonus discount for joining before the end of 2024, Class price $333 includes the Monthly Live Practice Classes.
Use the Coupon code: Yearend to take $100 off the course price if you sign up before Dec 31st. Monthly Payment plans and Financial Need Scholarships are Available.