I love the teaching on Planets square the Node or the Skipped Step, which was a core teaching of Jeffrey Wolf Green. It's often a part of my teaching about the core dynamics of the soul.

Join Ari this Sunday for a free intro class to his upcoming class series Planets that Square the Lunar Nodes. Register here
In this free intro class you will learn the Jeffrey Wolf Green Evolutionary Astrology teachings on the meaning and practice of working with planets that square the Lunar Nodes. Ari will explain how to identify the specific karmic dynamics of the square and teach a technique for its resolution. This class is a requisite for those who plan to take the entire class series which will begin in November. The upcoming series will be a 12 class series devoted to learning and practicing with each individual planet in a square to the nodes through various chart examples and nodal configurations. This Sunday's free intro class will be recorded for those who cannot make it live.
After the free class Ari will open up registration to the series. Register for the free intro class here: Planets that Square the Nodes Intro Class