Rebirth Class & Ceremony Schedule 2024
Now to Feb 28th: Completing Cycle of Love Evolution/Growing together & Opening of the New Cycle of Rebirth & Growing together 2024
Friday, February 2nd 10am PST: Love Evolution Venus in Capricorn Transmission
Friday, February 9th 11am PST: New Moon in Aquarius~ Ceremony & Transmission
Friday, February 16th 10am PST: Love Evolution Venus in Aquarius/Rebirth Emergence
Saturday, February 17th 11am PST: Growing Together Group Session: Be You, Do You
Access the Rebirth online portal: https://www.astrologywithmichelle.com/challenge-page/rebirth2024
Rebirth Cycle: Butterfly; Emergence into the New
Friday March 1st, 10am PST: Rebirth Opening Ceremony & Transmission
Friday March 8th, 10am PST: Rebirth Sessions
Sunday, March 10th, 10am PST: New Moon Ceremony: Pisces
Friday March 15th,10am PST: Eclipses~Karmic Portals of Change Master class
Saturday, March 16th 11am PST: Growing Together
Friday March 22nd,10am PST: Rebirth Sessions
Friday, April 5th, 10am PST: Rebirth Transmission: Speaking Up/Evolving Rx
Monday, April 8th 11am PST: New Moon Ceremony: Aries
Friday, April 12th, 10am PST: Rebirth Sessions
Friday April 19, 20, 21st: Rebirth Retreat in Sonoma or Online
Friday, April 26th, 10am PST: Rebirth
Friday, May 3rd, 10am PST: Rebirth Transmission: Stability in your Source
Tuesday, May 7th 11am PST: New Moon Ceremony: Taurus
Friday, May 10th, 10am PST: Rebirth Sessions
Friday, May 17th, 10am PST: Rebirth Sessions
Rebirth Cycle: Cocoon; Dissolving & Evolving
Friday June 7th, 10am PST: Rebirth Opening Ceremony & Transmission
Thursday June 6th, 11am PST: New Moon Ceremony: Gemini
Friday June 14th, 10am PST: Rebirth Sessions
Saturday, June 15th 11am PST: Growing Together
Friday July 5th, 10am PST: Rebirth Transmission: To Nurture, Protect & Care
Saturday July 6th 11am PST: New Moon Ceremony: Cancer
Friday, July 19th, 10am PST: Rebirth Sessions
Saturday, July 20th 11am PST: Growing Together: Full Creative Actualization
Friday, July 26th, 10am PST: Rebirth Sessions
Friday, August 2nd, 10am PST: Rebirth Transmission: Forgiving the Past, Reclaiming the Present
Sunday, August 4th 11am PST: New Moon Ceremony: Leo
Friday, August 16th, 10am PST: Rebirth Sessions
Saturday, August 17th, 11am PST: Growing Together: Reclaiming Sovereignty
Rebirth Cycle: Caterpillar: Completion of the Old Structures
Tuesday September 3rd, 11am PST: New Moon Ceremony: Virgo
Friday Sept 6th, 10am PST: Rebirth Transmission: Committing to Harmony within
Friday September 13th, 10am PST: Finding Resolution: Planets that Square the Nodes Master Class
Saturday, June 14th 11am PST: Growing Together: Refining & Defining
Friday September 20th, 10am PST: Rebirth Sessions
Friday September 27th, 10am PST: Rebirth Sessions
Wednesday, October 2nd 1pm PST: New Moon Ceremony: Libra
Friday, October 4th, 10am PST: Rebirth Transmission: Deep Intimacy, Feelings & Communication
Friday October 11th 10am PST: Rebirth Session
Friday, October 25th 10am PST: Rebirth Session
Friday, Nov 1st, 10am PST: Rebirth Transmission: Inner Rebirth
Friday, Nov 1st, 11am PST: New Moon Ceremony: Scorpio
TBD: Rebirth Intensive Retreat November 7th -11th
Friday, November 8th, 10am PST: Rebirth Sessions
Friday, November 15th, 10am PST: Rebirth Closing Ceremony
Friday, Dec 1st 10am PST: New Moon Ceremony: Sagittarius
Private Sessions/Apprentice/Rebirth Soul Work sessions can be booked Monday, Tuesday & Thursday during the month ~ Online Booking is available https://www.astrologywithmichelle.com/book-online