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Right Now, I remember who I am, Love Eternally

❤️Manifesto of the Goddess, the Creative, Woman, Mother, I am Right Now ❤️

❤️Right Now, I am a powerful creative woman, inside of me grows a possibility for a new world.

❤️Right, Now, I connect to the Divine Love of Vision and take action in the direction of a new dream.

❤️Right Now, I create effortlessly, I grow with Ease and Grace.

❤️Right Now, I manifest vision on earth. I listen to the stars and they guide me towards loving alignment with the will of my creator.

❤️Right, Now, I am open to receive love, abundance and financial support from the universe.

Right Now, I am removing the blocks to Love, opening the channel for Grace, Love and Healing to flow through my body, mind, heart and soul.

Right Now I am creating a beautiful home life that supports my creative impulse, allows me space to grow and supports a thriving abundant life.

❤️Right Now I am building a foundation, creating the financial structures that will flow resources to me for expansion of the vision, the healing of Life, money and love for all.

❤️Right Now I have everything I need, I continue to release the old and may way for the new.

❤️Right Now I am deserving of true love and partnership, of Sacred Union and true Marriage of Equals in Unity.

❤️Right Now, I am loving life, experiencing the joy and peace of mind that comes from deep trust and relationship with the creator of all life.

❤️Right Now I am clearing the channel so that Divine Love can have there way with me, flowing rivers of creative energy into the foundation of my life, becoming a model for living in harmony with spirit.

❤️Right Now I attract abundance in all forms, spiritually, materially, in visible and invisible ways.

❤️Right Now I am expanding the possibilities for a new earth, paving the way for Real forms to take root and grow in my life now, everything I touch grows in beauty.

❤️Right Now I am living in integrity, experiencing the Wholeness of who I am in Truth and expressing that fully with Love.

❤️Right Now, I remember WHO I am, Love eternally ❤️





*written by Michelle Dench originally on Nov 27, 2017 ~

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