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Week Ahead: Feb 7th-14th New Moon Venus square the Nodes

In this video Michelle talks about...the closing of the Lunar cycle through the Capricorn moon square the nodes, with Venus square the nodes, there is a crisis in our conditioning and our identity, which might challenge our roots, while we are looking to the fresh energy of possibility and new ideas.

Join me for the New Moon in Aquarius, on Friday at 10am PST, by joining the Monthly Moon Ceremony membership or any of my group programs including Rebirth, details & sign up. We will tune into the New Moon in Aquarius and have a Community Ceremony time at 10am PST on Friday Feb 9th, included in all class series and membership levels

You can use the coupon code SelfLove for $15 off any Membership level if you need financial assistance

I'm Booking sessions for February now:

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