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Rebirth Month Ahead: February 2024

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Full program schedule is linked in the PDF below

REBIRTH Major Transits 2024 (2)
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Feb  2

6:18 PM

Last Quarter Moon

13 Sco 36'

Feb  5

12:10 AM

Mercury enters Aquarius

Mer 0 Aqu 00'

Feb  6

3:04 AM

Pallas enters Sagittarius

Pal 0 Sag 00'

Feb  6

7:22 PM

Saturn quintile Uranus

Sat 7 Pis 08'


Ura 19 Tau 08'

Feb  7

6:08 AM

Ceres enters Capricorn

Cer 0 Cap 00'

Feb  8

4:43 AM

Vesta Direct

Ves 21 Gem 45'D

Feb  9

5:59 PM

New Moon in Aquarius

20 Aqu 41'

Feb 13

1:05 AM

Mars enters Aquarius

Mar 0 Aqu 00'

Feb 16

10:01 AM

First Quarter Moon

27 Tau 26'

Feb 16

11:05 AM

Venus enters Aquarius

Ven 0 Aqu 00'

Feb 18

11:13 PM

Sun enters Pisces

Sun 0 Pis 00'

Feb 19

4:13 PM

True Node conjunct Chiron

Nod 16 Ari 45' conjunct

Chi 16 Ari 45'

Feb 23

2:29 AM

Mercury enters Pisces

Mer 0 Pis 00'

Feb 24

7:30 AM

Full Moon in Virgo

5 Vir 23'

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